In our community of registered citizens, the wall of injustice is thick and high. It is thick due to the public’s failure to see the truth and it is high due to laws that have been passed for more than 50 years.
Why does the public fail to see the truth about registered citizens? After all, there are hundreds of studies and reports published by leading authorities in both the public and private sectors which conclude that individuals convicted of a sex offense are unlikely to commit another sex offense.
For example, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has concluded that the rate of re-offense for a registered citizen on parole is less than one percent. And Dr. Karl Hanson, who has studied this topic for decades, has concluded that individuals who committed a violent sex offense such as rape, but who have not re-offended for 17 years, are no more likely to commit a sex offense than someone who has never committed such an offense. He also concluded that individuals who committed lesser offenses reach the “point of redemption” in as little as five years.
Perhaps the public cannot see the truth about registered citizens because of fear, a siren song sung by the media on a daily basis. And why does the media sing that song? To increase their ratings or readership. They do so with little or no regard for the truth, the truth that more than 90 percent of those who harm children are not registered citizens, but instead are family members, teachers, coaches and members of the clergy.
And why has the government at every level continued to pass laws that violate the Constitution by denying the rights of registered citizens such as Congress’ recent decision to add a Scarlet letter to passports? Legislators do so because they mistakenly believe that their introduction of one more sex offender law will help them get re-elected. Their colleagues vote in favor of those laws because they are afraid that if they don’t vote for the laws, they will be defeated in the next election.
The common ingredient to the public’s failure to see the truth and the number of unconstitutional laws that have been passed is FEAR. The antidote to fear is TRUTH. Because when the truth about registered citizens is known, fear will vanish and the wall of injustice will fall.
It’s a simple formula but the path to truth may not be easy. Instead, the path may include steep climbs, such as the creation of a tiered registry in California, and death defying falls, such as the final ruling this week by the Kansas Supreme Court.
Although the path to truth may not be easy, it is a path work taking for it will ultimately lead to the destruction of the wall of injustice. There have been similar walls in the past….for African Americans…..for Jews……for Japanese Americans….and for gays. Those walls have tumbled and our wall of injustice will as well.
As we travel down the path to truth and work toward the destruction of our wall of injustice, the words of hip hop artist Biga Ranx may help us on our journey: “No they can’t keep the people under control – this wall will fall – despite the suffering we got to stand tall.”
I am standing tall knowing that we are on the path of truth and that the wall of injustice will fall. Please join me to hasten its demise by Showing Up, Standing Up, and Speaking Up.
I think the reasons for hating “sex offenders” goes beyond fear: it’s hatred and disgust and the need to have a despised minority that everyone can feel superior to. I suspect that fear is not even the primary reason for the hatred, but an appetite for rage.
The need for an enemy is, without doubt, deeply entrenched in the psyches of most humans. The removal of so many acceptable hate-objects, such as racial minorities, Jews, homosexuals, etc., has left a deficit in the supply cabinet of the “rightly-hated”.
Who’s left? Well, there’s always pedophiles or people whom we imagine must be.
And then there’s the weird, suspiciously obsessive, preoccupation with the sex lives of others…
Dearest Janice:
It is only a small help, but I have…not made a donation, this is not charity…but rather sent a contribution for the Future of everyone.
Just the whole idea of a Registry is bad….reintegration into Society where people have a stake is still the goal.
Though this does not directly relate to RSO’s, they are mentioned in this BBC Story. This is how to treat prisoners…as people.
I am not saying there are not compulsively dangerous people out there, but they are the rare exception that however get all the attention without noting that they are an exception to the general rule.
In any case, thank you for fighting my fight for me and all of us.
Best Wishes, James
I blame religion and the need for punishment of “sins” and what is the greatest sin of all – SEX!
Therefore, what more perfect target of hate than SEX OFFENDERS…tie that in with CHILDREN and you have the perfect storm! “If it saves one child” “Better to error on the side of caution” and all the other oversimplified sound bites we hear year after year.
That is why they (political “leaders” and religious “leaders”) have made every effort to make it one and the same in public’s mind.
Please do not be fooled that there is the remotest reality of the separation of church and state. They are fully integrated and America is one of the most conservative and fundamentally religious of the so-called developed countries.
We even have it on every dollar we spend “In God we trust” just in case you might forget it for a second.
Fight the ignorance of religion and this abuse and lifetime punishment might change…not holding my breath however…as David pointed out, having a hated group is part of human evolution and has contributed to our dominance as a species on this planet.
You really can’t change millions of years of evolutionary history in our primitive innate behaviour no matter how intellectually stupid it might actually be.
I find it incredibly ironic that the same man who signed the IML into law a short time ago spoke this weekend on the urgent need to justice reform in the US.
Your efforts are not without deep appreciation.
I think you are all right, but I think it is only a few fanatics that are really afraid of and really angry at registrants, like the Books, the rest could not give a damn about us either way. Out of sight out of mind. Because they know people do not give a damn, the politicians can come up with almost anything to punish registrants. It derives an almost no risk political dividend for them. Few are going to risk questioning it, because it does not affect them at all if they say nothing, but if they speak out then they will also be shamed — for supporting people they care nothing about. Where’s the win?
Only our families, a few friends and some legal professionals care, because the laws affect what they care about and is close to their hearts. I might add some compassionate therapists. They care because it affects them closely, and they feel our situation. Sex offender laws do not affect the vast majority of people down where it motivates people, in the gut, in their day to day existence. If they feel anything there, it is hatred, because that is the ready made, packaged response to get you loved by your peers. Nothing more. Acceptance by one’s peers not any biological response to sex.
We need to find out what is important to people and to show people how the registry plays into that. Is it wasteful government spending? Is it really about protecting children? Is it about growing the corporate police state? These are the questions, if presented with answers to what people care about, that may hook people’s interest in our cause.
Thank you Janice , I can tell by what you right that you truly do listen to the RC , and that you talk to us rather than at us, and I am sorry for all of the times that you have had to carry on your back some of the many things we may have , or may not have done in our life , all the same you go and stand before what I think are some of the most evil people there are on this world , many of us RC’s know this because we stood before them and seen first hand , that all they wanted to do was judge us to better fit the long portfolio of victims they need for more power , and not even care if there was ever a fair trial, they try us in the news papers and TV ,in many cases we are beaten in the jails by the thug cops as well as thug inmates , and we are to go in to courts with black eyes a striped or baggy jump suit stinking for the jail , bond post are fare to high , yet someone that just shot someone to death walks out on OR”,,,,i preyed to GOD for safty and understanding , now I am not religious , BUT I am a spirtul person , and I beleave,, Have Faith” that if we keep pulling together we will pull this wall down , please keep up the great work ,, my wife told me to say hi , so HI !
As my herro Roneld Regan said, “tier down this wall!” I am four a teared registry. MY STATIC SCORE = 0. BOOYA! SO NO LIFE REG. FOUR ME!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
We have to get the truth out. To do that we need a plan. Every state needs to be aggressive in reaching out to all on the registry and their families to join both their state association and the national RSOL. From there we need to seek monetary help. It does not have to be large donations as there is strength in numbers but a consistent program of contributions for both legal challenges and maybe more importantly, a well conceived PR campaign. Maybe also a concerted letter campaign to our national legislators to push for a comprehensive study on the effectiveness and the costs of all things Registry centered. Some national researchers and representatives of national victims groups as well as members of RSOL, Carsol and other effective groups could come together to develop guidelines to guide the project. At any rate we need a plan.
Justice is blind, but legislators are not. While the court system punished us and let us off after our punishment, legislators have picked up the ball and added restrictions, another word for punishment, to further punish us. This punishment will continue until someone somewhere along the lines re-establishes that once we have served our sentence, we are no longer to be punished. The list of restrictions is growing by the day, and it has to end.
I agree , cheers
If the public continues to only be exposed to the worst examples of sex crimes and RCs by the media, then they’ll continue to assume that’s what all RCs are like.
Does anyone know when the static 99 is taken ? Can it be retaken ? What if you never had it performed on you ? i guess I am a little confused. My husband said he never took this or had ever seen it. Obviously the answers to the questions 15 years ago are different than they are today. If anyone has knowledge on this it would be nice to hear.
“Point of redemption?” Is that a math statistic term (because it sounds more evangelical Christian to me)? As for Karl Hanson, he is one of the creators of the Static 99. I feel the Static 99 grossly exaggerates recidivism and unfairly lumps non-violent and violent offenses together. In fact, the Static 99R perversely gives 1 point for non-violent offenses and 0 points for violent offenses. There are many more flaws to the Static system, but to predicate a “tiered” registry on it is foolish, arbitrary, inaccurate, and not scientific. Personally, I feel the Static 99 is a scam. And Hanson, Thornton, Phenix, and Harris are snake oil salesmen trying to make a name for themselves. I mean none of the Static 99 “developers” (they try to make themselves SEEM so scientific) are even statisticians! Yet they are peddling a statistical model veiled in complete secrecy. I mean the data has never been verified because Hanson et al. claim their Static 99R a “trade secret.” The Static 99R is a complete fraud I tell you!
So what does that mean if a tiered system
Were to pass and there’s a ton of people who never took the static 99 , where do they fall ?
I definitely am sensitive to all here. As I am also here fighting this fight with you all. I don’t comment very often but I try and stay in tune with what is going on on the board. Many people all continue to make very similar points. Yes , each is us is being punished one way or another by registering or by having a family member register. I urge you , if you want to make a difference continue donating , continue writing letters , get involved some way some how. Myself and a few others here are working towards a way to really get those not knowledgable of this site and our fight , knowledgable and involved. Tell yourself , donate a $1 per comment 🙂 something manageable . The only way we can win this fight is if we work together in NUMBERS. Can you imagine the power this group would have if even half of the RC in Ca were aware of this site , even half donated $10 a month , half wrote letters and made phone calls. They could not and would not be able to pass these outrageous laws. Janice cannot do this alone. Skip Starbucks today , donate towards your future !
Much needs to be done to utilize all forms of media to promote and detail the truth. Television (those outlets that will give unbiased reporting, NPR and RT). The internet, YOUTUBE. All print media. Publications produced by RSOL. An entire focus on media and the message. Dedicated focus on visually and literally presenting the truth. RSOL should have an entire staff devoted to legal and media issues. A new point of reference is needed based on real people, real lives, and the devastation that the registry and all the subsequent laws has created. The promotion of trust.
I’ve witnessed Janice’s work evolve in this movement since the beginning. This cause needs a fighter like her. While virtually all of the remarks in this journal entry are spot on I do take issue with this paragraph.
“The common ingredient to the public’s failure to see the truth and the number of unconstitutional laws that have been passed is FEAR. The antidote to fear is TRUTH. Because when the truth about registered citizens is known, fear will vanish and the wall of injustice will fall.”
The public has seen the “truth” of all discriminated people groups the world over for eons. Exposing “truth” does not remove fear nor will it stop the plight of the registered citizen. Only a look back in history whether recent or distant reveals human nature does not stop punishing humankind even in the face of the evils against various groups.
The only thing that seems to topple the atrocities of one group or another is to threaten the political leaders who allow them to happen. Fear must be placed in the lives of the power structure and its ongoing quest for power and wealth. Until we chop off the heads “figuratively” of political leaders and threaten their power the laws and the battle will continue to rage.
I walked out of the probation office after two days in county jail from a 10 day sentence for a SINGLE MISDEMEANOR count of indecent exposure. First time (and trust me – only time) offense. I am given papers to sign, and on the top it is marked “HRSO”. I ask my P.O., “What does this mean?” She says it means High Risk Sex Offender. I could not believe it!! I ask how? She says its based on “sophisticated” science called the Static 99. Apparently, I have a score of 6. And apparently, as I do more research, I am learning the Static 99R is a complete and utter fraud. We should call the Static 99R the Static 99 scam! I have to do more “therapy” sessions because of the Static 99 scam inaccurately labeling me high risk. Apparently, my county probation does not look at any other factor except for whether one is HRSO or not! Each “therapy” session cost me $50 and believe me it adds up! I cannot stress how much the Static 99R is a complete bogus scam!! A tiered registry would require me to LIFETIME registration!!
Are there any countries in this world we can travel to without rejection? I wanted to take my wife to Paris for the first time. I’ve been battling this crazy world of uneducated people for 34 years when I had my first and last offence. But every year i register people think its my first offense. I am saddened for all the guys and gals that only have 1-5 years of this tragic label. Gods blessings to Janice and all you young people in this family. I pray for intervention from God and someone in this world to destroy these terrible laws that Bill Clinton and Obama have placed on our society. They have made the internet a nightmare for our life.
So I have a question. Does any other state have a tiered or other sex offender registry that relies on “risk” as opposed to actual offense? Is California trying to be novel in pretending “risk” is a better alternative to determine if one must be required to register for lifetime? Because if “risk” is determined by the Static-99/R scam, it seems hardly better than the current system. At least the current system relies on the objective factor of an actual conviction, whereas a tiered system would rely on a number (they go into the negatives now, lol) set by the Static-99/R scam! Relying on the Static-99/R fraud science, which is what a tiered proposal suggests, is NOT an improvement from the current system. I actually feel a tiered proposal would be a step back, as it encourages society to blindly accept a scam as true statistical science. When you look at the facts behind the Static system, you will begin to see the type of hocus pocus fraud the State of California has imposed on its people.
I was part of an internet sting, no real person. I’m in the Low-Moderate category, only because of the very last three questions. Unrelated, Stranger, Male. So if I tried to hook up with my sister, female cousin, aunt, grandmother, etc., I’d be at a 0. Does any of that make sense??
I want to stand up and fight… but i fear that when and if i do… local authorities or even federal authorities will hound me, find reasons to pull me over, make up stories or vigilantes will hurt my family or myself. I have tried very hard to get my family back, in a safe environment. I am a lucky one who has skills that are in such high demand that i was able to get back on my feet… I am grateful i spent so many years in front of the computer as a child…
My name is already blasted in the media and of course they only reported the juicy stuff but failed to report anything when the truth actually came out…
Even still as a convicted felon… I can not own a firearm to defend my family… I have no protection… except for defensive things such as alarms and having certain people on speed dial. I occasionally once every so often get calls from the agents who prosecuted me asking for information or help.. I feel like i am constantly being watched… One of the main reasons we moved out of the state i originally lived in.
This is life as i know it now… and it’s just getting worse and worse every day. The thing i do notice however is people are actually starting to see things and how wrong this is… mostly because it’s affecting their families as well.
The Adam Walsh Act needs to be reformed… along with the IML and others… I have a feeling that eventually we will all have nowhere to go….
My goal is to fight, however, with young kids I have to protect them to make sure my past isn’t the reason why they are harmed… how ironic these laws are…
So is the Static 99R accurate or not accurate? There are some studies claiming it is accurate, while others claim the Static 99 and its “revised” version is not accurate. I just find it interesting that based on 10 questions, Karl Hanson and his Canadian Static 99 cohorts claim to have ability to predict one’s future. Being released at age 60 or older, for example, would automatically give a person a -3 score (note the negative number). So Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and the other extreme cases would score fairly low at present day. Really does not make sense at all. But then again, the “experts” at casomb say the Static 99R is “very accurate.” Maybe the experts at casomb are not so expert? Just a thought.
The Static-99R will sometimes prove right, sometimes wrong. Sort of like a flip of a coin or a random guess. I am convinced the “99” in Static-99R represents “99% bull$*!*”. The Static tests are in use to make the risk assessment process seem more scientific than it really is. People — and human behavior — are not “static,” despite the claims of Kamala Harris’ Department of “Justice” and Tom Tobin’s CASOMB. Each person has the ability to change, learn, and evolve for the better. None of the Static-99R’s so-called “Risk Factors” (there are 10 of them) even take positive effort and/or even treatment into account. So in a sense, by accepting the Static-99R as truth, the use of the Static-99R invalidates and dismisses efficacy of sex offender treatment when studies show treatment as greatly reducing recidivism. In sum, acceptance of the Static-99R invalidates the millions spent (by taxpayers) on mandated sex offender “treatment” programs as useless.
Static99R is pure garbage. Non-contact sex offenses make you “higher” risk. Unrelated victims make you higher risk. Which means someone who physically committed a sex offense against a relative who’s a minor is less riskier than someone who only viewed a picture of a minor who you didn’t know. If the victim was male, then you are higher risk. If you never lived with a lover for over two years, you’re higher risk.
……there’s nothing scientific or accurate about static99. Canadians who invented the test had to know the American penal system is much more draconian. You better hope your state doesn’t use it