MI: Why Would a GOP Lawmaker Team Up with the ACLU to Block Child Abuse Law?

After the near-death of her 1-year-old son, Wyatt, at the hands of a child abuser, Erica Hammel set out to change Michigan law. Full Article

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Wow! Very good “comments” follow below the news article. Well worth reading! [Mostly anti-S.O.Registry]

Finally an article where the majority of comments are AGAINST any type of registry!

Now…how to swing the tide further and get the current one abolished?

I’m a little shocked at the comments. Good to see people using their brains, engaging & debating intelligently. In reading articles like these, it’s usually easy to tell who is educated & who is glued to the 6 o’clock news & Dateline.

I want to start out by saying that it’s always a tragedy when a child is abused by any anyone. My heart goes out to anyone who has lost a child or must deal with long time injuries caused by these abuses.

Having said that I agree that there is always that knee jerk reaction to want to pass laws “in the name of saving just one child” that come about by grieving parents who are unfortunately misdirecting their grief.

It was wonderful to see that so many people have left comments that showed how misguided this proposed law really is and I’m glad to see that finally someone in government is waking up and looking at fact over emotion.

I took a few minutes to do a bit of research and found the following:

According to http://www.childstatistics.gov/americanchildren/tables/pop1.asp as of 2014 there were 23.9M children in the U.S between the age of 0-5 years old. That is 23,900,000.

According to the New York State Department of Health at https://www.health.ny.gov/prevention/injury_prevention/shaken_baby_syndrome/sbs_fact_sheet.htm it is estimated that 1000 to 3000 children suffer from shaken Baby Syndrome.

If you take the highest number, 3000, and calculate the percentage of children that “may” be affect it comes out to .0125523%. That’s 1 in 7966.666.

If you take the lowest number, 1000, and calculate the percentage of children that “may” be affected it comes out to .0041841%. That’s 1 in 23,9000.00.

I use the term “may” because all the sites seem to at least be honest and admit that the same damage can be caused by short falls and car accidents at speeds of just 35 m.p.h. It is evidently difficult for them to be precise in their diagnosis.

Also note that I the first age bracket provided was for ages 0 through 5. According to KidsHealth.org http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/shaken.html most cases are of children under 1 year old. This would reduce the percentage to a greater degree.

So here we are looking at this bereaved mother who has dealt with a horrible loss who now is focusing her anger and sadness into trying to great another “public shaming list”.

Again, I don’t condone any form of child abuse. But I have to look at the numbers here. If someone is truly guilty of hurting a child then they will be found guilty and sentenced, serve there time and move on. But another “list” based on .012 to .004 or less? Thank god some people are waking up.

well it was good to see some really great commits ,but at the rate our rights are being taken from everyone , who is going to drive the dam fema buses , I mean I would not want to get a bad driver , and I don’t want to set next to someone that smells funny , or looks funny for that matter ,or seem creepy, and they better not be on some strange web site,