Trinidad & Tobago: Online seminar on Sex Offender Registry

A SENIOR policy advisor from the United States’ Department of Justice SMART department — which is in charge of the Sex Offender registration policy in the US — will speak at an online seminar hosted by the Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes (CCASC) on November 18. Full Article

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Another US sponsored witch hunt session.

Wow, anything to look important and have a job, lol. It’s laughable, although I might agree with things to prevent child sex trafficking, even though it’s a rich and elitist aspect primarily. It costs lots of money to run that kind of a system, doesn’t it? Those colonialists did a number in the Caribbean nations didn’t they, rape, pilage, and plunder, now they’re best friends. Anything for a dollar? Haha haha. I smell hypocrisy!

Just when I thought I was done wanting to vomit.

I would love to have someone there to confront a member of the SMART office on the statistics they use (but do not provide sources).

I especially want to know why they love to show the immediate 13% drop in “Reported Child Sex Assaults” whenever a Sex Registry is implemented in a state but fail to talk about how the number of actual sexual assaults of children do not go down and instead sometimes rise. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to determine that this means the over-reaching punishment and burden of the registry scares families into hiding abuse and not reporting it. This leads to no treatment for the offender, and more victims.

I looked at that the “Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes (CCASC)” Facebook page.

The guy who runs, Jonathan Baghan, it is either ignorant or stupid. He cites a 35% recidivism rate among sex offenders. What he did was looked at a study, and picked the worst number in a matrix of a few dozen numbers and applied it to ALL sex offenders? The study was dealing with primary child rape and contact molestation. Not sure if he understands what “sex offender” means in the US….

Then, he actually posts a screen shot from this website, takes the user’s name, searches the registry, and posts a screen shot from the registry to his page! Maybe he found the right guy, maybe he didn’t. But he’s demonstrating exactly why there should be no public registry!

Wow, I hope I never have to hear about our ex pres Obama again. He stood by and allowed all of this nonsense to fester while sitting there jibbering about Obama care. Come to think of it, he couldn’t even get Guantanamo closed. Afghanistan is a complete failure, and now I’m happy Hillary is languishing in history. Here’s another example of Obama’s civil rights legacy, teaching more hate to other countries. Wow, Americans supporting other countries to deny American citizens their rights. He had a chance to stop this, at least stand up for law, but no he signed it without hesitation. I thought he was OK, but no way now, hope he’s considered the worst president in our history.