CA: Issa Introduces Federal Bill to Stop Placement of Convicted Sex Predators in Residential Areas

Source: 11/10/23

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Fallbrook, introduced legislation Friday intended to prevent the placement of sexually violent predators in residential communities.

At a press conference in Poway on Friday, Issa introduced The Stopping Sexually Violent Predators Act, which would end federal funding for SVPs outside correctional or medical facilities and require states to report all SVPs to the federal Department of Justice for review of potential federal charges.

“In California, Governor Newsom has made our communities less safe by essentially compelling communities to accept the relocation of dozens of these violent predators into our neighborhoods,” Issa said. “But this issue is not unique to California, which is why we need a federal solution to at least prevent the compulsory placement of SVPs and develop a solution. There is obviously a better way than the current broken system.”

SVPs are clinically diagnosed individuals convicted of sexually violent crimes. They are designated by doctors as incurable and are neither undergoing treatment nor in recovery.

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I thought that according to the government ALL sexual offenders were VIOLENT? I possessed pictures that I did not make & have had counselors tell me that that was violent.

This is a terrible bill and must be stopped! If passed, this law would prevent the release from state hospitals of ALL individuals currently designated as a sexually violent predator despite many years of counseling and treatment. There are more than 900 people that fit into this category in CA and thousands more throughout the U.S. This bill ignores the fact that experts weigh in before anyone is approved for release. ACSOL will do its best to stop this bill, but we will need help from others to make that happen.

Only Darryl Issa doesn’t mind having his name associated with the home of Tom Metzger and the KKK. Fallbrook was notoriously racist back in the 70s & 80s. Now this politician is hating on SVPs who need to be “recharged” by the feds. That will keep those “predators” in prison the rest of their lives. Pretty slick Darryl. Since you can’t go out and attack blacks & Latinos like your Fallbrook constituents use to do back in the day, the next best thing to target is people on the registry.

According to a statement from Issa’s office, 70% of SVPs released into communities in California were returned to custody for violating their release terms.

I wonder if he even bothered to look up how many of the remaining 30% were returned to custody for committing another sex crime? I suspect he did and the answer would diminish his proposal’s “urgency.”

Also, why does every comment thread on news articles these days somehow turn into Trump-love or Trump-hate fest? No matter what the article is about, it almost always devolves into a Trump argument, one way or another.

Stop PFRs from living in residential areas? That makes absolutely no sense. Do they not understand what a residential area is? Its any place where there are houses, apartments, condos, etc. Its an area where people live. So where exactly are PFRs supposed to live? In commercial property areas? And I’m getting sick and tired of the term “sexually violent predator”. It makes it sound like these PFRs are out beating the living snot out of their victims then forcibly raping them. I don’t really think anyone here on this forum is a sexually violent person. People with true convictions like that usually don’t see the light of day for many decades, if ever.
This proposed bill needs to be shot down with a vengeance.

Does anyone know the bill number?

Is the good representative from California already underneath an election threat for next year’s election cycle? Seems like a very drastic move.

I think it is pretty crazy that these criminals are not talking about “violent predators” instead of “sexually violent predators”. There is the tell. Until they have Registries for perpetrators of violent crimes then everyone will know they are simply full of sh*t. For now, violence is fine as long as there is no sex.

Registries are an act of war. Supporters deserve punishment and consequences.

The sad truth is most of these so-called sexually violent predators are just people with mental health issues, just like those vigilante Predator stings on YouTube 90% of the people they catch are mentally challenged, this is why they moved all CP convictions into Tier 3 so they can justify their actions, They’re just reaching for the low hanging fruit at this point. I’ve lived in every county in Southern California and I have to say Orange County, Riverside County and San Diego County are the worst And they all work together, they’re called the ”SAFE TASKFORCE” they also work alongside the district attorneys offices in each county, this gives them The ability to move around each county and conduct surveillance and investigations on registrants.
San Bernardino county being left out of the loop formed their own task force also working with the district attorney office and they have ZERO tolerance for 290 violations you get A 290 violation in San Bernardino county you’re not getting probation, you’re going to prison.

Then they should include meth addicts. I don’t know about other states, but in mine, meth addicts killed more children in a year than sex offenders killed in a decade. Not to mention all the brain damage due to shaken baby syndrome when they survived.

In case anyone was wondering what “federal assistance” would be denied to “sexually violent predators,” it is the denial of all health benefits in the form of Medicare and Medicaid to those individuals NOT in locked facilities (either prisons or “hosprisons”). In other words, unless they are locked up for the rest of their lives, they will receive no health care whatsoever. If they find themselves on the outside, where Issa thinks they should not be. They will receive no health care whatsoever unless they can pay for it themselves, out-of-pocket.

And, since many here don’t understand what is meant by “sexually violent predators,” “sexual violence” was re-defined many years ago to include ANY sex crime against someone under the age of fourteen (in California, it varies state-to-state). No actual violence is required, just one of the extraordinarily expansive list of crimes said to be against under fourteen year olds.

When you, as fellow registrants, rail against “sexually violent predators” seeking to distance yourself from them, you really should know who you’re talking about. If I had gotten out of prison just a year or so later than I did, I have little doubt that I would have been considered for civil commitment that was just then coming into effect due to being convicted for under-fourteens. Had I been convicted as a “sexually violent predator,” I would probably still be in Coalinga to this day, having never physically struck, restrained, kidnapped, threatened or coerced anyone at any time in my life. Those are the things I, and most of you, would consider to be “violence” but neither I, nor many of the men in Coalinga, did any of those things.

Darryl Issa, U.S. Representative from California’s 48th Congressional District, a Republican, resents the fact that some “S.V.P.s” eventually get to go free and he’s going to do everything he can, by appealing to the most ignorant and sadistic voters, to ensure that those just like many of us, never get out of perpetual prison and, if we do, to make sure that the punishment and suffering never end.

Here’s the link to the actual bill:

It’s all part of the brainwashing and programing to instill fear, guilt and shame in an attempt to make you “compliant.”

Another can of worms.

The bill number is HR 6382 and it has been referred to three committees. Although referral to three committees could slow down the bill, the bill could be passed on a consent calendar which means there would be no discussion or debate on the language or meaning of the bill. That is how Congress passed the International Megan’s Law.