WV: Michael Ian Black: West Virginia Republicans Want to Throw Librarians in Jail Over Sexy Stuff

Source: thedailybeast.com 2/21/24

The Mountain State’s House overwhelmingly passed a bill that would make schools, libraries, and museums criminally liable if books have too much sexy stuff in them.

We’ve got to do something about these sexy, sexy libraries. Instead of public spaces that house books and other collections that are free of charge to borrow, today’s libraries are little more than recruiting stations for drag queens and aggrieved minorities trying to turn our children into godless monsters hellbent on transforming our once-great nation into Queer Valhalla.

Dewey Decimal would hang his head in shame. Something has to be done! Thank white Jesus that somebody is finally taking a stand.

Last week, the West Virginia House overwhelmingly passed Bill 4653, which would “remove bona fide schools, public libraries, and museums from the list of exemptions from criminal liability relating to distribution and display to a minor of obscene material.” In essence, any teacher, librarian, or museum curator is now potentially on the hook for $25,000 and up to five years in jail if convicted.

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The “freedom” party strikes again.

But they will know what it is when they see it…it’ll be rejected by the courts and overturned as unenforceable. Those who are pressing for this bill, they need to be charged for their time and effort in knowingly passing a bad law. Quick, someone call the governor and Joe Manchin about this idiocy.

Key thought: “Pretty much every work of literature worth a damn deals in some respect with affairs of the human heart and, by extension, human sexuality. Do we really want to cut off students from learning about all aspects of their own humanity?”

I think we are doing great damage to young people by not allowing them to explore and come to understand their sexual feelings in an open and supportive society. I can imagine I would not be in the situation I am now (registered) if I had felt more comfortable and open about that part of myself when I was growing up.

I think Georgia is trying this too. Makes me wonder if the Washington DC city council passes something similar if it would apply to the Library of Congress.

While we’re at it, what about book publishers? Shouldn’t they also be charged for distribution of obscene material? Or the authors? V.C. Andrews comes to mind – almost every book she’s ever written has something to do with brothers hooking up with their sisters. Isn’t that obsene?

What’s sexy to one might not be sexy to others and I wouldn’t trust a politician to determine sexiness.