West Virginia lawmakers, upon discovering that a young man working as a legislative intern was on the sex offender registry, promptly fired him and are now revising the hiring process to prevent a registrant from being hired in the future. Full Letter
Lawmakers to overhaul intern rules after sex offender hired
this is really sad where’s the nexus between the job and his offense in order to justify this. straight vindicated revenge punishment for other people crimes.
The legislators responsible for the firing should be very proud. Hopefully we won’t find this young mad living under a bridge without a home or job or even dead via suicide or vigilante doing him in. Half of the legislators in West Virginia more than likely are products of incest anyway.
And they claim that rehabilitation and society re-entry are number one on their list.
This sort of story is a nationwide problem. It is simply on different levels depending on what state you’re imprisoned within.
If he was terminated improperly then I hope he takes them to court. I certainly would.
I hope he can file a law suit. What I really feel won’t get posted. The signs I pass on the highway say report suspected terrorist’s, and I ask myself Why would I want to help a government that steals my rights.
One day when enough RCs cannot find work or housing, have been unable to feed their families the lawmakers will then get a visit. Gee the person was working instead of stealing or selling drugs. What do these insane lawmakers not understand?
I think in West Virginia the same guy could run for Elected office.
@NotGivingUp: Look at Florida where so, so many Registered Citizens are forced to live homeless under a bridge…. The politicians don’t give a crap at all. Nor apparently do the voters of Florida.
I’m surprised politicians are that strict in West Virginia. The boy was caught with cp
But how family members of those lawmakers were caught with their own daughter or sister? This is West Virginia. I’m curious to see how many people are related on their registry. I don’t mean to stereotype the state, but there is some truth in stereotypes
Joe, well said!!