“One strike for sex offenders should be enough” – change.org Petition

“The system failed me and my family and I’m going to do whatever it takes to put an end to the psychos running the streets.” – Shasta Groene

For anyone living in the Pacific Northwest in May of 2005, the survival story of Shasta Groene is one you could not turn away from. It has now been almost 11 1/2 years since ____ ____ , a sex offender with a long record of assaults on children, abducted Shasta and her brother Dylan from their Idaho home where another brother, Slade, their mother, Brenda, and the mother’s boyfriend, Mark, were killed. …

With a new Change.org petition for the state of Idaho, called “Slade and Dylan’s Law,” in memory of her two brothers, Shasta is petitioning for a new law that would ensure sex offenders would never get the chance to offend again. “One strike for a sex offender should be enough! Never let them back on the streets to re-offend. This isn’t a disease! It’s a sick twisted person who cannot be helped or fixed. The system failed me and my family and I’m going to do whatever it takes to put an end to the psychos running the streets,” she writes.

In just a number of hours, the petition already reached its goal of 1,000 supporters. Full Article

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The kids were murdered. She ought to see 1 strike is enough for everyone who commits MURDER, but no, instead she’s lost her freaking mind and should not be free to roam the streets and create chaos and havoc in our communities. She is sick and i don’t believe she can be fixed or healed. I feel sorry for her, but i certainly won’t support her way of thinking.

I have a much better idea. Rather than not giving someone the opportunity to offend again, it would be beneficial to do everything necessary to stop the first offense before it can ever happen. Anyone who fails to recognize a first offense as the problem has their head buried in the sand or up their own butt.

If problems repeat themselves the worst response is continuing to be reactive to new instances of the problems. People have been committing offenses defined as sexual in nature for a very long time. In the last three to five decades more attention has been paid to treating those who commit such offenses after the fact. By now it is shocking that after so many years the entire community of treatment providers has not pooled their knowledge about what paths people travel on prior to committing an offense and used what is known to initiate opportunities for at risk individuals to be diverted off their ruinous paths prior to legal systems needing to be involved.

How’s that for a petition to put up on change.org? All this talk of “think about the victims, the survivors, the children.” NO! We should no longer allow conversation to deal with after the fact. Let’s actually prevent people from becoming offenders, victims, and survivors in the first place before they all are truly at risk for falling into those classifications.

I feel bad for this young lady. It’s clear she is suffering from seemingly irreparable emotional and mental damage from what she went through. I hope she is able to get the help she needs and at no cost to her.
The irony here is that what she and so many others like Walsh, Lunsford, Klass, etc. have proposed and are proposing is what allowed for her grief to happen in the first place. Implementing more of these knee-jerk laws named after dead children will only make it worse.
What she is proposing will further bog down and already overloaded system. I’m sorry, Miss Groene, but this bogged down system is the reason why your family is dead! Go ahead, everyone, hate me for being an ***hole! I’m used to it. But, what I’m saying is fact and true!!! If the system wasn’t bogged down with watching every teenage love affair, selfie-taker, pee in the bushes drunk, etc., then maybe, just maybe, the system would have had the resources to keep better tabs on the man who did these horrible things. Maybe he would have been able to be treated or even committed. Maybe better community programs funded with the money that is wasted on these useless lists could have been developed to make this guy integrate into society and take control over his “demons” instead of being cast into the margins of society – something which only stokes the “embers” inside these people with these compulsions.
Now you want to lock up forever every teenager who has consensual sex with another or who takes a nude selfie??? If you think the system was ill-equipped to protect you and your family 12 years ago, I guarantee you, it will only be much, much worse if you keep this up.
In my opinion, the blood of your family members is on the hands of John Walsh, Marc Klaas, Marc Lunsford and all of the politicians who helped bog down an already overloaded system with nonsense legislation – laws which would NOT have saved their family members had they been in effect at the time when they were harmed. Please don’t drink this poisoned Kool-Aid. It won’t bring back your family, it won’t save other future victims, and it won’t help you heal!
Forgiveness and faith will help you heal. Try them sometime!

This woman’s ignorance is beyond dangerous. Sorry, but neither the system, nor society “failed” you.

I see nothing but preemptive vengeance and hate, not justice for her 2 children.

This “one and done” nonsense will not prevent the same thing from happening to another family.

Yea, there are some seriously messed up people in this world, this guy Duncan was one of them. But as you can see, it wasn’t solely about sex, he killed for other reasons. No one can justify or rationalize his actions, cold blooded-murder, and he should forfeit his life. The article stated he had multiple child sex assaults, but they don’t relate any facts about them?

But you can’t run around demanding that everyone else pay for the acts someone else committed. If we used her logic, you could lock up the whole country. That’s what’s wrong with these registries, everyone pays a price for the worst of them.

Hopefully, they have a death penalty and she can go and watch it, it’s not much closure, but maybe it will satisfy her anger.

Bitterness is the greatest bondage of them all. I can think of many that have gone through worst and have built a legacy on forgiveness. However, there are many cash cow hunters, in her life, that will not allow her to forgive and heal. I am sorry for what had happen to her and her brother and I am more sorry for her now. She is now a victim of hate.

and another demon is born and freed to walk the earth and spread their masters will….this crap is almost at a biblical level….

I feel bad for her, what she’s gone thru should never have happened and it’s a horribly traumatic thing for her. However, the article has one extremely false statement that should be addressed. The article says “she picked herself up” but it’s clear she hasn’t. Her anger and vindictive attitude about this shows clearly that she hasn’t. She needs help, I’m not saying that to be condescending, she seriously needs therapy to help her truly be able to recover from what happened to her family.

Shasta Groene suffered the most brutal crime possible. Please be gentle with her. It is against those who would take advantage of her pain that the battle is fought.