An Idaho Senate committee has introduced two bills that would broaden the definition of some sex crimes to include crimes committed with the intent of degrading or humiliating someone.
Idaho Deputy Attorney General Paul Panther told the Senate Judiciary and Rules committee on Monday that both the state’s current statute on sexual battery and the statue on forcible penetration with a foreign object define the crimes as having been done with the intent of sexual gratification or arousal. But Panther said those statutes currently don’t cover situations like severe hazing, when someone — such as on a high school sports team — is sexually battered during a bullying incident.
If you want to talk about “broad,” California has a statute under 290 that permits a judge to order registration if a crime was committed “as a result of sexual compulsion or for purposes of sexual gratification.” So even if a sex crime isn’t one of the 50 plus crimes specifically listed under the main 290 statute, a judge can use 290.006 to order registration nonetheless. Seems pretty ‘broad’ to me, considering the first factor relies on *thought*, whilst the other relies on *feeling*.
More idiocy. Betting the primary unstated motivation behind these proposals is to increase the number of registrants.
If attempts to degrade and humiliate become regsterable offenses, then it should apply to all lawyers that have ever cross examined someone in court.
@ Assault is still an assault regardless of how stupid it is to pass more laws
Even a sexual assault on one of my own children – which has happened, by the way – does not change my opinion that the registry is absolutely worthless as a preventive measure and accordingly, do not believe registration should be part of punishment for hazing. Nor does it change my opinion that the protection of children is a parental one, not a government one.
I think the reliance on the nuclear family(parents/children) to raise kids is in part why we have a registry. The idea that anyone out of that special unit is a danger is the root basis for the registry. Now with both parents struggling to make ends meet, there is not time to be responsible to your child, in all that should entail, so the task is delegated to institutions, government or private, which people assume are trustworthy. You have registries that do or rather don’t do what the extended family used to do, protect, encourage and foster the child. That is still necessary, only in a fantasy world do children raise themselves.
No surprise. There is only what, 3 or 4 Democrats on the Idaho legislature?