NY: Cops Gave ____ A Pass While Making More Than 7,000 Arrests For Similar Offenses

The New York Police Department allowed wealthy financier and convicted sex offender ____ ____ to skip dozens of court-mandated check-ins with law enforcement for more than eight years before he was arrested and charged with the sex trafficking of minors, the Washington Post reported earlier this year. During roughly that same period, cops in New York state made at least 7,061 arrests for similar violations of the state’s complicated sex offender registration law, according to data obtained by HuffPost.

Several of those arrests include people who committed minor violations, like submitting paperwork days late, or who struggled to keep up with reporting requirements because they were living in homeless shelters or on the street, defense lawyers said. Full Article

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Subject individual aside, I’m pleased to see this article–second one in as many weeks for this media outlet–regarding the stupidity and futility and RC laws. Chip, chip, chip…pieces crumbling from the falsehood. Anecdotally, it seems there are three types of stories that come out anymore: 1) the registries are burdensome and useless; or 2) some outlier RC re-offends; or 3) a RC living life like anyone else is “outed.” It seems to me, purely on gut feeling, the first is the one that is being published more and more. The other ones seem to be click-bait type stories from local rags with an online presence that needs some zing. (I wonder if the same stories ever make it to the print edition.)

As has been mentioned by numerous people on here before, say something long enough and people start to believe it. “Our” mantra is becoming the one heard more and more, and fewer people (nut job soccer moms aside) are stepping up to have us all shipped off to some island. We also have the benefit of our mantra being the truth.

How about a lawsuit against the NYPD for discrimination against poor person’s required to register vs rich. I am so disgusted.

State of WI, attempts to place a special condition on 1000$ bond of “” compliance with SO registration ” on a man who refuses to register. Kinda redundant no? However judge is limited on what he can do as scotus ruled a jury must assemble before incarceration can occur. He can take the bond $, but what then to maintain appearance from same.

ODD INDEED, but then our administrative branches answer only to the press while in office.

I’m actually puking. Scumbag politicians.

As well as not following registry rules, he continued to abuse minors, travel out of state with them, and traffic them to wealthy friends…all while on the registry, which, as is common knowledge, that the registry only worked for those who follow the rules, and it only punishes those who follow the rules.

The registry only keeps those of us who will follow the laws from having the freedom given to the rich and famous. If a regular RSO missed ONE registry event that person would be hunted down and arrested in front of everyone. Proof that there are sets of rules for normal people and another set for the rich and famous. The registry only works if we continue to follow the rules

I can’t resist this, but the subject individual truly did it in grand New York style by doing it “his way”. 😉

May the famous singer who brought that song to everybody to enjoy not be rolling over in his grave at this moment.

7,061 arrests over 8 years or 921 last year is TWO AND A HALF arrests – PER DAY! With investigation, execution, booking, jail time and resolution in court, how much does that cost the tax payer????

I think this guy was engaged in all sorts of crimes to blackmail politicians. He was/ is an intelligence agency asset? He didn’t have to abide by the registry requirements. They are throwing him under the bus now though because they have more to gain from him spilling the proverbial beans and publishing it. Remember- it is always the politicians that have the most dirt on them that are forced to sponsor laws outlining the the very crimes they have committed. This is how it works. I believe when it comes to the judicial branch it is the judges who are NOT compromised that tend to rule in our favor. It is a sordid and evil system .