The sexual abuse of children remains one of the most urgent and unremitting issues across the globe. The royal commission into sexual abuse of children in institutions has given currency to an entrenched and critical social problem. However, our newly published research into Australia’s first publicly accessible register of sex offenders highlights the dangers of public misunderstanding of how it works and, indeed, of where the risks for children are greatest. Full Article
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This shows how little common sense prevails. All anyone has to do is look at the simple fact that over 90% of sex crimes are committed by people not on the registry to know that registries aren’t keeping anyone safe. It will be a great day when a country as a whole realizes this and decides to abolish their registry!
Two cents:
One sex offenses are not prevented on the back end with post conviction monitoring and restrictions.
Two if children are to be safe from exploitation and abuse of any kind society on a global scale must fundamentally change because this worthy cause also means preventing the creation of those who would harm children or others.