Chris Kelly, a former Facebook executive who authored and financed a highly successful California initiative to stop sex trafficking, has joined the effort to pass Chelsea’s Law in all 50 states.
Signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2010, after unanimously passing both houses of the state Legislature, Chelsea’s Law is a one-strike mandate for sexual predators convicted of a violent sexual assault on a child. It’s named after Chelsea King, a 17-year-old Poway girl who was brutally raped and murdered by a convicted sex offender who was paroled after serving five years in prison for sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl. The perpetrator subsequently confessed to the rape and murder of another San Diego girl, 14-year-old Amber Dubois, who had been missing for several months. Full Article
Ah Chris Kelly, the former Facebook executive whose social networking site made millions of kids accessible to perverts around the world continues to salvage his legacy. Can’t he just join Jimmy Carter over their at Habitat for Humanity?
On another note, and maybe I missed it, but this article leaves out a bit of information. One Strike and…what? Prison for life? With or without parole?
I realize that Proposition 35 may have been passed by a large amount of people, but one could put out a proposition that sex offenders would have to walk around town with a live chicken on their head and get over 80% of the California sheeple to pass the bill.
Well, guess he didn’t learn the first time when he sunk $2 million of his own money to help push Prop 35 last year. A huge thank you to the team that got portions of that struct down. However, i left the State of California just 3 months after this close call… as i have been a law abiding citizen and a huge asset to society since 2000. My mistake was a one time mistake, but i should shouldn’t be forced to comply with NEW laws that come into effect, over and over. California in particular has a stupid way of thinking about “sex crime” laws. Voters failed to understand what they were signing once again.
While i’m not generally in favor of new laws, a new one should be created to hold legislators accountable for pushing unconstitutional laws. There should be 1 more layer between legislators and the voters: A Constitutionality Test Committee made up of clones of Janice Bellucci and those she chooses.
Kelly is most likely using this to pad his resume for a likely run for AG. He will certainly use the “Tough on SO’s” mantra for his byline as he is clearly among the pack of bottom feeding politicians that rely on that low hanging fruit and can count on an uninformed and misinformed voting populace for support. Here is a guy that is banking on more fear and hate mongering to make up a substantive constituency. Granted he will do nothing to bring to light any of the new CDCR statistics about risk and recidivism. He will pull numbers out of his “briefcase” that are probably the ones used by others that rely on invalid statistics and other political subterfuge to turn things in their favor.
We were neighbors of the King family at the time of Chelsea’s death. We still have the blue ribbons tied to the trees on our street.
During this time, we were harassed by neighbors saying they would vow to “get us out” of the home we owned for the past twenty fives years. Even our so-called neighbor/friends no longer speak to us. Guilty by association, I guess. All this because our son committed a stupid act that wouldn’t have been a crime in most other states.
Our son, who didn’t live with us, was harassed, his vehicle vandalized, all his work tools stolen. His face was plastered everywhere in our area. On street posts, on cars, doors, and even in the community laundry room at his complex. He was handcuffed, his home searched.
Back then, I remember laying awake every night afraid that someone in our family would be hurt or murdered.
At the time, I had been teaching at a school that Chelsea’s younger brother has attended. Sadly, I left a career that I loved, and retired. I became isolated, afraid to even go outside check the mailbox.
During (phone conferences) I would often warn others living in other states that this law might find a way to their state. Since I knew the Kings had friends in high places and they were planning to move to Illinois. No one would listen.
And now Chris Kelly joins the King’s. No doubt to further his career, vowing to see the passage in every state in the nation.
Thanks alert,
This journey has taught me many things. You find out very quickly who your true friends are. I also have no need for the others in my life.
I no longer live in fear, quite the opposite. But, I will never forget.
I wish everyone peace and happiness
I for one am really SICK OF THEM naming yet another new law after someone killed. Yes, it is a tragic but enough already!
It has come to the point that they simply want revenge and nothing else! No law is going to bring anyone back but I am sure that it makes them feel better (for a moment anyway).
Perhaps they would NOT feel better if they knew that in addition to NOT BRINGING back their loved one it also brings suffering to families JUST LIKE THEIRS who are trying to move on from a tragic mistake in the past BUT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO!
The living are being punished in the name of the dead. Stop this madness!
Nathan Fletcher, who used Chelsea King as a way to make a name for himself, and used this platform in his run for mayor of San Diego, (he lost, thank goodness) just announced that he has switched political parties and has joined the democratic party, has his sights on running for another office. It seems he has been endorsed by many in the democratic circles! Even saying he would be a great Presidential candidate!
He has a sorted past. We can not allow this person to get into any office. He is a media whore. He will sell us, he will use us all for a chance in the limelight.
Remember his name.
I bet that Facebook guy got something hiding in his closet…