Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of May 2014. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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Then Drill a well, & put up Palisades & a Moat to keep out the Vigilantes….lol
Then Provide a or several services that out laying Communities would Be interested in or be in support of there by creating a “Trade/ Employment” Agreement with Various agencies private & corporate??? Evey tent Has a Tent maker…& We Have Allot of wasted talent in ALL FIELDS…
Further investigation leads me to Assembly Bill (AB20) that went into affect on January 1, 2014. AB20 amends 1203.4 (1203.4 relates to expungement) and adds section 311.12 to it. It specifically takes expungement off the table for anyone seeking to expunge a CP conviction. I was arrested in 2012 for having 3 illegal files mixed in with over 1.5TB (yes…terabytes) of legal. Pornography addiction, OCD, high speed internet, and peer-to-peer just make a good combination. I took a plea deal back in April of 2013 and one of the few things that kept me going was the hope of getting my conviction expunged after completing probation. Now it appears that the possibility of expungement is no longer an option. I’m guessing that it makes no difference that my arrest and conviction happen before AB20 went into affect. My original plan was to finish probation, have my felony reduced to a misdemeanor, have it expunged, and hopefully get back to working in corporate America. Then after 10 years have gone by…try my best to get a COR. AB20 has put the nail in the coffin for me and my family. No expungement means no passing a background check, no getting a COR. My survival job that I have now doesn’t pay all the bills so our savings account is being depleted. I’m sure before I get done with probation there will be some new law passed that will prevent me getting my felony reduced to a misdemeanor. Good times. We are in Gods hands now….
I read the paper almost daily. This month has had some interesting news. I pay attention to stories about cops doing wrong and anything related to a registered citizen.
Has anyone noticed how the media goes out of its way to say, “Sex offender…such and such, and such and such were arrested for murdering 4 women in Orange county while wearing a GPS bracelet”? I bet a billion dollars the arrest paperwork only mentions the suspects’ names and the charge of murder, not that they were sex offenders or that they were wearing tracking devices. By beating people over the head with “sex offender… committed crime while wearing a gps”, they are trying to motivate people to think even more restrictive SO laws need to be made!
On a similar note, that Hubbard guy was granted “permission” by the government to be released in the Palmdale area (I think) after the town folks and politicians made a big deal about it. The judge and crew said that Mr. Hubbard would have a bunch of restrictions in place to “protect” the public. One of these is the GPS system. See the connection between the two separate cases?
Maybe I’m biased because I’m listed. But, living a life of fear is a waste of your own life. There was a story this month of a police officer in the Palmdale area who pulled over a woman, put her in his cop car, drove her to a motel and committed the crimes all the townies are afraid we would do. Who should you really be afraid of, people?
Look, for all the paranoid losers and weak links in society out there, your protection is simple. If you see someone crawling through your window at 3 in the morning, exercise your 2nd amendment right and lock & load. Otherwise, live & let live. Leave us alone and we’ll leave you alone. Stay out of our business and we’ll stay out of yours. The Golden rule is so simple!
How about being a responsible parent and pay attention to your kids instead of being wrapped up in your stupid “smart phone”. Don’t be lazy and think the solution is having big brother government do your job. Martial arts classes are good forms of exercise, teach confidence, and protection skills. Don’t waste your short life worrying about minimal risks when there is so many more positive things to enjoy!
I like my privacy, my freedom, and my peace. Do you really think I would do something at a park or beach (with hundreds of witnesses), or anywhere else that would mess that up? Think, people! You have nothing to fear but fear, itself.
Sorry to go off like that. The fact is that the people that need to hear this probably won’t see this. At least I got to vent a little bit.
One last thing. Speaking of parks, in Los Angeles city the 2000 foot restriction for parks and schools has been stopped. Since I moved to a new city in L.A. county 5 months ago and the cops didn’t say anything when I registered here (a couple blocks from a school), I guess it’s a county ban on enforcing it. I don’t know if I can trust the cops enough to ask them. Does anyone know the details about California? Even though I have a decent place, I want to move to another place in California. Is there a specific website or government agency or resource I can check before I go home hunting? Or should I just get a map to measure the 2000 feet radius with the classified ads? Thanks to all the GOOD REGISTERED CITIZENS of this forum, Janice & crew, and supporters!
The California supreme court has ruled that the names of police officers involved in shootings are now public record. Now maybe they will know how it feels to get fronted off when they want to protect their anonymity.
Long Beach Police Officers Association officials said in a statement it was “unfortunate that the majority of the Court does not recognize the safety concerns created for officers and their families involved in critical incidents when their names are released publicly.”
They don’t recognize our safety or privacy concerns so this is some really sweet justice!!!! And besides; if these guys are so afraid for their safety they shouldent be working for the police in the first place. Fear and guns are a tragedy just waiting to happen. We need brave men, not chicken Sh**s as police officers.
More good news on my case. 60 days have passed and the court did not reverse its decision on my expungement. According to my lawyer, the DA had 15 days to appeal or file with a higher court, which they did not. I’m officially no longer a felon, to a certain extent, though I am still a registered citizen. The only thing I can do is remain vigilant, continue to be a better person and hope we can get a tiered registry and eventually ban all registries. The tides are turning and it’s only a matter of time.