The modern Leper: Sex Offender Law reform

Everyone who is reasonable admits (nowadays) that homosexuality is not a disease, nor should the LGBTQIA+ community be treated as irredeemable. However, there is a growing population of people, starting as low as age 7, that the law and society have decided to treat the way it used to treat the LGBT folks: “Sex Offenders.” The Sex Offender Registry (SOR) laws are one of the last bastions of righteous indignation and medieval bigotry. It seems that, despite studies and statistics to the contrary, SOR folks are thought to be highly…

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MO: Registered sex offenders in Dent County will have signs outside their home this Halloween

[ – 10/23/18] SALEM, Mo. — We are now just 8 days away from Halloween and one local sheriff’s office here in the Ozarks wants to make it a safe night for all the kids going door to door. That’s why the Dent Co sheriff’s office wants a particular group of people to put a sign outside their home. The Dent County Sheriff’s Office is asking all the registered sex offenders in the county and especially those inside the Salem city limits to put this sign reading, no treats or…

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CA: Sex Offender Management Board Reveals Current Statistics

The California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) today revealed current statistics regarding registrants during its monthly meeting. According to the board, the total number of individuals required to register in the state of California is 106,915. Of that total number, there are 77,451 registrants living “in community”, that is outside of jail, prison or state hospitals. Within the group of registrants “living in community”, there are 16,353 who are currently in violation for failure to register. Also living “in community” are 6,649 individuals who have registered as transients. Of that…

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CA: Governor Vetoes Eight Sex Offender Bills

Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a total of eight sex offender bills, passed by the state legislature, that could have negatively impacted registrants and their families.  Of that total, three of the bills were authored by Assembly member Lorena Gonzales-Fletcher who attempted to stop the Tiered Registry Bill last year. “We thank Governor Brown for protecting registrants and their families,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “We also thank him for his support of the Tiered Registry bill.” One of eight bills vetoed by the Governor included Assembly Bill 514, which…

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RI: City Officials Stoke Mob Mentality in Front of Sex Offender’s Home

When _____ _____ , a convicted child sex offender, was released from prison after serving almost 30 years, he quietly moved into the Washington Park neighborhood in Providence. One would not have expected a welcome wagon — but an angry mob should not have been the result either. Because his crimes were committed so long ago, Gardner is not subject to the community notification provisions that apply to more recent offenders under the state’s Megan’s Law. But the police leaked his address to public officials, and a media circus ensued.…

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Lauren McCluskey Murder: What’s the Point of the Sex Offender Registry?

At approximately 8:20 p.m. on Monday, October 22nd, University of Utah college student Lauren McCluskey, 21, was found shot to death inside a car parked on campus. Only a short time before, the star track-and-field athlete had been on the phone with her mother, Jill McCluskey, who reported hearing her daughter’s last words. “Suddenly, I heard her yell, ‘No, no, no!’ I thought she might have been in a car accident,” Jill McCluskey said in a statement to press. “That was the last I heard from her.” … Rowland’s status…

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GA: DCS honors two Rome officers for work on sex offender law

Two Floyd County Department of Community Supervision officers received commendations Tuesday for the efforts to clarify the importance of ongoing supervision of sex offenders across the state of Georgia. Brandon Henderson and Cody Franklin were honored in front of their peers for raising questions that led to an amendment of state law this year. SB 174 was passed in 2017, which called for anyone who was on supervision, including sex offenders, but did not have any restitution owed, to be placed on unsupervised status after two years. “A lot of…

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CA: Root & Rebound’s upcoming Fair Chance Employment Workshops & Free Legal Clinics

Check out Root & Rebound’s upcoming Fair Chance Employment Workshops & Free Legal Clinics! Los Angeles area: Fair Chance Employment Workshop on 10/25 in LA Legal Clinic for People with Court Debt Questions on 10/29 in Inglewood Oakland: “Access to Justice Day” on 11/7 Fresno: Fair Chance Employment Workshop on 11/9 Legal Clinic for People with Records on 11/10 We are also accepting applications from women with records and women in reentry to our Fresno program! Keep reading to learn more! IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT TO ONE OF OUR UPCOMING WORKSHOPS OR…

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GA: All registered sex offenders will gather in Council Chambers on Halloween

[Updated] With Halloween right around the corner, Grovetown is rounding up registered sex offenders to make the night a little less frightening for parents and children out trick-or-treating. Full Article Jones for Mayor Facebook Page Related Media Washington Post Article  10/24  10/24  10/27  

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NH: Man found dead in Keene ID’d; police say he was sex offender

[ – 10/17/18] KEENE — The identity of the man found dead in the woods off Route 101 on Oct. 6 has been confirmed as Peter R. ________. ____was reportedly found in the wooded area near Main Street. Keene police detective James McLaughlin said Tuesday that ____was known to police before he died. “He was a registered sex offender,” McLaughlin said. The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner released the man’s identity, and police made the information public. McLaughlin said the death is not being investigated as suspicious at this…

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ACSOL Emotional Support Group Meeting Alert in L.A. for Sat, Oct 27

ACSOL will conduct an Emotional Support Group for registrants and their loved ones on Saturday, Oct 27, beginning at 10 a.m. at: ACLU Building 1313 W. 8th Street Los Angeles Free parking is available under the building and there is no charge to attend the meeting. The meeting, which is based upon 12 Step principles, will provide registrants and their loved ones with an opportunity to discuss personal challenges. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Discussion: How can registrants find a place to live?

This is an open discussion where you can share your ideas on how we registrants can find housing in a society that discriminates against us. For example: How to look for housing Available housing search resources Your success story If your information is specific to your state, please mention the state. WARNING: No advertisements for specific housing will be posted. We are discussing general concepts.  

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Overseas Registrant Wins Battle with Angel Watch Center

A registrant who has lived overseas for more than two years recently won a battle with the Angel Watch Center after the Center falsely notified the State Department that he was currently required to register as a sex offender. As a result of that notification, the registrant’s U.S. passport was revoked because it lacked a “unique identifier”. The registrant, who was traveling on business, learned that his passport had been revoked after a letter was sent to the home of a relative where he had previously resided prior to departing…

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Ireland: Gunman shoots at wrong house in Dublin ‘after thinking sex offender lived there’

[ – 10/14/18] AN INNOCENT FAMILY was lucky to escape injury after a number of shots were fired into their house in Dublin by a shooter who gardaí believe was targeting a convicted sex offender, has learned. The case of mistaken identity happened on Tuesday night in Crumlin. Around four shots were fired through the front door of the house at approximately 10pm. There were four people in the house at the time. Nobody sustained any injuries. Gardaí believe the gunman got the wrong home. The family who live…

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