Janice’s Journal: We Did It!

Thanks to almost 50 individuals, we did it!  We raised $10,175 for the matching grant program in about two weeks.  As a result, ACSOL has a total of $20,175 to apply toward significantly increasing the number of registrants who are eligible to petition for removal from the registry.  

This is not the first step, but it is an important step, in a multi-step process that began about 18 months ago when ACSOL made a presentation to the CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB).  During that presentation, ACSOL identified several improvements to the Tiered Registry Law and asked CASOMB to support those improvements.

It took a year, but CASOMB eventually supported some, although not all, of the improvements identified by ACSOL.  However, CASOMB identified additional improvements of their own and sent a formal list of those improvements to the state legislature.     

The stage is now set for this important drama.  However, we are now waiting for the cast of characters for this drama to be identified.  That will take place in November when some existing legislators are removed, and some new legislators are added.  And shortly after that election, new leaders of the legislature will be selected.

ACSOL has been working and will continue to work behind the scenes as this drama unfolds.  And early next year, it will be time for all of us to work together again to achieve victory in the form of significant increases to the list of those eligible to petition for removal from the registry. 

We will need to meet with legislators and their staff during Lobby Day 2025 in Sacramento to remind them of the importance of improving the Tiered Registry Law.  To give them an opportunity to correct political compromises made in the past that resulted in large groups of individuals being assigned to Tier 3, the highest tier, which requires lifetime registration.

We have a positive and powerful message to deliver to the State Capitol next year.  That message includes the fact that no one, not even one person, who has been removed from the registry under the Tiered Registry Law has been convicted of a subsequent sex offense.  That in itself is evidence that the Tiered Registry Law should and must be expanded.


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Thanks to all registrants and supporters who invested their hard-earned money towards justice! You are making a difference!

Everyone, please make regular donations–no matter how small–so we can continue to expand our fight. We can’t do it without you.

When will those of us no longer living in California that are eligible for relief from the registration be granted our removal from the requirement to register? I live in Florida, the worst state for registrants. I fully expect Florida to fight my petition but it all starts with California.

I believe the biggest step for change would be the off ramp for every single individual on the tier 3 status to have a chance to petition for removal off the registry.

Great News! One Step at a Time