California RSOL will return to L.A. on May 18. The meeting will be held at ACLU building at 1313 W. 8th Street and start at 10 a.m. As always, topics of discussion will include issues of importance to registrants and their family members, such as parole conditions and residency restrictions, as well as news about pending legislation and litigation. Attendance is free of charge and restricted to registrants and their friends / family / supporters. No media or government officials are allowed. Hope to see you there!
Read MoreCategory: Action Items
Pending State Legislation
Below is a summary of bills pending in the California Legislature and CA RSOL’s position on each proposed bill. Get involved! CA RSOL OPPOSES AB 201 – This bill would state that a local agency is not preempted by state law from enacting and enforcing an ordinance that restricts a registered sex offender from residing or being present at certain locations within the local agency’s jurisdiction. The bill would authorize a local agency to adopt ordinances, rules, or regulations that are more restrictive than state law relating to a registered…
Read MoreCalifornia RSOL Meeting in Los Angeles – March 16
California RSOL will return to Los Angeles on March 16 for a regular monthly meeting. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and be held at the ACLU Building, 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles. The meeting is open to registrants, family members and supporters only. No media or government officials are allowed to attend. As usual, the meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation, as well as family members. There is no charge to attend the meeting.
Read MoreCalifornia State Senate Bill Would Allow Cities, Counties to Enact Park Bans [UPDATED with Reasons to Oppose]
[See UPDATE below] State senator Lou Correa of Orange County introduced a bill on February 20 that would allow cities and counties to enact laws that ban registrants from public places such as parks, museums and libraries. The bill, SB 386, was initially sent to the Senate Rules Committee and is expected to be referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee next week. “The bill, if passed, could allow ordinances, such as the Orange County park ban, to continue,” stated Janice Bellucci, President of California Reform Sex Offender Laws. “It must…
Read MoreHuntington Beach City Council Hearing – February 4
California RSOL will attend the Huntington Beach City Council Hearing and speak at the second reading of the proposed modification of the the Ordinance prohibiting registrants to enter public parks and places. Come join us at 6 pm on Monday, February 4th! 6:00 PM – Regular MeetingCouncil Chambers – 2000 Main StreetHuntington Beach, CA 92648 Agenda
Read MoreCalifornia RSOL Meeting in Santa Maria on February 23
The first California RSOL meeting in Santa Maria will take place on February 23, 2013 at 9 am. As always, the meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation and the status of pending lawsuit. Registrants, family members and supporters are invited to attend this free meeting. There will be no media or government officials. The meeting will be held at 1165 Stubblefield Road, Santa Maria, CA 93455, which is at the Unity Church near the intersection of Bradley and Stubblefield. Please…
Read More[UPDATE 2 with Hearing Date] Court of Appeals to Review Orange County Ordinance
UPDATE 2: This case is now calendared for Thursday, 9-26-13 at 1:00 p.m. *** UPDATE: This case will be heard on Monday, July 22, 2013 at 1:00 pm in the 4th District Court of Appeal, Division 3, Santa Ana, California. 4th District Div 3, 601 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, California 92701, Clerk’s Office (714) 571-2600 The California Court of Appeals has decided to review the ordinance passed by Orange County which prohibits all registrants from entering county parks, beaches, harbors and other recreational areas. The opening brief from the Office of the Public…
Read MoreCA RSOL Meeting in Bakersfield Feb 9, 2013
California RSOL will hold its first meeting in Bakersfield on February 9th, 2013. The meeting will focus upon issues of importance to registrants, such as residency restrictions and conditions of parole/probation, as well as family members. The meeting will be held at 925 17th Street, Bakersfield (please note address change on Nov 27) beginning at 10 a.m. There will be no media or government officials at the meeting. Attendance at the meeting is free. Hope to see you there!
Read MoreCA RSOL Meeting in LA January 19 [UPDATED]
Attorney Alex Landon will join California RSOL at its January 19 meeting in Los Angeles. Landon is a distinguished author as well as professor at the University of San Diego School of Law. He is a recognized expert on sex offender laws as is reflected in the book, “A Parallel Universe”, which he co-authored with noted journalist Elaine Halleck. Landon will make a short presentation during the meeting regarding current legal issues that challenge registrants and members of their families as well as describe why he wrote a book about…
Read MoreProposition 35
The California ballot includes a proposition that would require all registrants to disclose internet activities and identities within 24 hours of its passage. This requirement is hidden within Proposition 35 which states its focus is upon stopping human trafficking. The proposition would also require anyone convicted as a sex trafficker to register as a sex offender. Supporters of this proposition include the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association and the Police Officers Research Association. It is not surprising then that fines collected from sex traffickers will be used for law enforcement! …
Read MoreVOTE!
Monday October 22nd is the last day to register to vote for the upcoming election in November. Be heard! If you are not already registered to vote, find out if you are eligible. The state prohibits voting by people incarcerated in prison or on parole. All others may cast a ballot. Find out more (State info and more on this site) and register to vote if you are not already and eligible. It can be done online and takes a few minutes.
Read MoreOct 23 – Anaheim City Council / Parks Ban
On October 23rd, City of Anaheim City Council Meeting, 5 pm – the Anaheim City Council will re-visit the proposed Parks and Recreational Area Ban. California ROSL members spoke at the item’s introduction. View video. Join us on October 23rd! 29. ORDINANCE NO. 6256 (ADOPTION) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM adding Sections 7.60.010 through 7.60.040, inclusive, of Chapter 7.60 of Title 7 of the Anaheim Municipal Code relating to child safety zones (Introduced at the Council Meeting of October 9, 2012, Item No. 16).
Read MoreAnaheim Parks Ban City Council Meeting [updated with Audio]
CA RSOL spoke in opposition to the City of Anaheim’s proposed Parks ban October 9. Despite testimony from the Orange County DA and his deputy as well as the mother of Samantha Runnion, the City Council did not pass the proposed ordinance. California RSOL will return to the City of Anaheim the next time it considers this or a similar ordinance. Please come join us! There appeared to be some problems with playing the video from this site. Please try listening to the audio instead. [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Public Comments…
Read MoreCity of Anaheim – Parks Ban Ordinance on next Agenda
Anaheim City Council Meeting Video. According to the City Attorney the ordinance will be on the next agenda (October 9 ?). CA RSOL has written and sent this letter to the Mayor and City Council of Anaheim in opposition to the proposed ordinance.
Read MoreCA RSOL Meeting in Los Angeles – Nov 10
California RSOL will return to Los Angeles on November 10 at 10 am and will meet at the same location, the ACLU building at 1313 W. 8th Street. Meetings are open to registrants, family members, and supporters but closed to media and government officials. There is free parking and privacy. As always, we will share information about recent laws, court decisions, etc. Admin Note: the comments from previous meetings are below, as they might answer some questions re. the meetings.
Read MoreSimi Valley City Council Meeting – 9/10 [Halloween Ordinance]
City Council meetings are held on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at City Hall, 2929 Tapo Canyon Road, Simi Valley, California 93063 (map). September 10, 2012 6D. Second reading of Ordinance No. 1201 adding Title 5, Chapter 43, to the Simi Valley Municipal Code establishing restrictions on registered sex offenders on October 31 of each year (Baxter) (CC) Staff Report
Read MoreLancaster City Council Meeting – 9/11 [Presence, Residency, Halloween Ban]
It’s time to Show Up, Stand Up and Speak Up! The first two cities in L.A. County have proposed ordinances that would prohibit all registrants, regardless of type or date of offense, from visiting parks, libraries, museums and other public areas. These ordinances must be stopped before L.A. County duplicates Orange County where most cities have such ordinances!! We effectively stopped the City of Cerritos, the first city in L.A. County, from passing its ordinance on August 23 when that city honored the request CA RSOL’s to stop further consideration…
Read MoreNew Cerritos ordinance bans sex offenders from city parks, libraries [updated / Video]
California RSOL will be attending this ordinance’s second reading (August 23) to speak in opposition. See letter sent to City Council here. CERRITOS – Registered sex offenders won’t be allowed in city parks or many other public facilities under an ordinance approved last week by the City Council. Gary Berg, the city’s director of community and safety services, told the council Thursday that passing the ordinance isn’t going to prevent crime and enforcing it is problematic. Nevertheless, the council passed the ordinance 4-1. Council members Jim Edwards, Bruce W. Barrows,…
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