Lawsuit challenges Simi Valley’s Halloween sex offender ordinance

A federal lawsuit filed today seeks to block enforcement of Simi Valley’s new Halloween sex offender ordinance, contending it’s unconstitutional. The suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles by 10 plaintiffs, including five registered sex offenders who live in Simi Valley. The Simi Valley City Council on Sept. 10 adopted the ordinance that aims to prevent sex offenders from having contact with trick-or-treating children on Halloween. It applies to the several dozen convicted child sex offenders who live in Simi Valley and are listed on the Megan’s…

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Pennsylvania, U.S. Virgin Islands To Substantially Implement Provisions Of The Adam Walsh Act

The Justice Department’s Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) recently announced that Pennsylvania and the U.S. Virgin Islands are the latest jurisdictions to implement the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Since the passage of SORNA, which establishes a comprehensive national system for the registration of sex offenders, a total of 16 states, three territories and 36 tribes have met the requirements for implementation. The Act is named in memory of…

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An ordinance recently adopted by the city of Simi Valley that requires registrants to post signs on their front doors and prohibits them from decorating their homes on Halloween is being challenged in federal court. The lawsuit was filed on September 28 in U.S, District Court, Central District, Western Division. It asserts that the Simi Valley ordinance is unconstitutional and requests that the court block enforcement of that ordinance. There are a total of 10 plaintiffs in the case, including five registrants, three spouses and two children. All are residents…

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Confronted about child porn, man shoots two deputies in San Diego County

A Lakeside, Calif. man confronted about alleged child porn opened fire inside his apartment, shooting and injuring two deputies before shooting himself, according to the man’s girlfriend. The girlfriend told NBC San Diego that she was getting her two daughters ready for school when she found pornographic pictures of her boyfriend and her two daughters engaged in sex acts on his cell phone. Full Article

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NY: Oswego passes law prohibiting sex offenders from driving taxis

OSWEGO — Amy Warner is a mom who says she’ll sleep easier after the city of Oswego voted unanmiously to pass a law which prohibits sex offenders from driving taxi cabs. “Having young kids who aren’t always making the best choices, I don’t think it’s a good idea putting them in any unnecessary danger,” says Warner. Prior to the vote, Jeremy Zielisnki called the law a form of discrimination. “If a person is going to be denied employment it should be based on a rational decision and factual information. It…

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Perverted Justice: Sex offender laws represent the triumph of outrage over reason [2011]

“If we had been aware of his record,” says Maureen Kanka, “my daughter would be alive today.” She is referring, in a statement on the website of an anti-crime group she founded, to Jesse Timmendequas, a neighbor in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, who raped and murdered her 7-year-old daughter, Megan, in 1994. Three months later, the state legislature enacted Megan’s Law, which created a publicly accessible registry of sex offenders. Full Article

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State responds to Action News investigation into sex offenders

FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) — An Action News investigation revealed a frightening loophole that lets Fresno County sex offenders walk free, even after violating parole. Now, state legislators and the people in charge of the parole system are responding. We showed you two sex offenders Thursday who violated parole with little in the way of consequences.  They’re both in jail now after allegedly committing new sex crimes. Full Article

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NM: Repeat Sex Offender Numbers Low in County

Every Halloween night, between 30 and 50 Bernalillo County Sheriff’s deputies spread out all over the county and knock on the doors of registered sex offenders, as a reminder that the county knows where they are and what they’re doing. The Halloween blitz is just one of the tactics the Sheriff’s Department says could be behind the county’s remarkably low sex offender re-offense, or recidivism, rate. Of more than 1,200 registered offenders that include sex offenders as far back as the 1970s, the sex offender registry unit has identified only…

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Media from RSOL Conference in NM

A collection of media reports about the National RSOL Conference. Quote from one attendee: “The media coverage, which began with great concerns and some misunderstandings about our purpose, changed to fair, balanced, and very favorable reporting and stories, primarily because they did what all good journalists and reporters do; they came; they listened; they interviewed; they asked questions; they recorded and filmed. We thank them for their kindnesses.”–town-hall–Sex-Offender-Conference APD to hold sex offender town hall9.4.12.flv <> Sex offender conference opens…

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FBI: Crimes Against Children Spotlight – Child Abductions

Known Relationships Are the Greater Danger – According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), every year, more than 200,000 children are abducted by family members. An additional 58,000 are taken by nonrelatives with primarily sexual motives. However, only 115 reported abductions represent cases in which strangers abduct and kill children, hold them for ransom, or take them with the intention to keep.1 Media news outlets have portrayed that abductors primarily consist of strangers or registered sex offenders (RSO), which has proven invalid in the past 2…

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WA: Man who killed sex offenders gets life

PORT ANGELES — A man who gunned down two sex offenders on the Olympic Peninsula was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison without possibility of parole, but a judge warned those sympathetic to his cause to back off. Patrick Drum, 34, shot Gary Lee Blanton, 28, on June 2 at a home Drum was renting near Sequim. Blanton was renting a room in the home. Drum then drove to the home of Jerry Wayne Ray, 57, in the Agnew area near Port Angeles where Ray was killed the next morning.  Full Article

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Sex offenders are people too

The law has failed on sex offenders. Rather than preventing crime, the law makes crime inevitable. California’s Fourth Appellate District court recently ruled current laws regarding where sex offenders can live as “unreasonable.” This is not an isolated case, but a pattern. California’s judicial system has slowly shifted away from prevention and rehabilitation toward punitive retaliation. Obviously, criminals are not the most pitiable people so it’s hard to feel bad for a registered sex offender, but one measure of a developed society is how well it treats its most despicable members.…

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Marina del Rey Deputy Sentenced in Teen Sex Case

A former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy assigned to the Marina del Rey station was sentenced on Friday to serve 90 days in jail for having sexual relations with an underage girl. Kenneth Alexander, 46, will also be on supervised probation for five years and attend a year of sex offender counseling. He must also stay away from the victim, who was 15 years old at the time of the first incident in 2011, and her mother. He also must not posses any weapons while on probation. Full Article (MDR…

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You can request to have your address removed from online mapping services

Did you know you can request your home address be removed from Google, Yahoo, Bing and other mapping services? Well you can, and we recommend you do it for your own safety, especially if you are wearing the “sex offender” label. Many online registries use these mapping services, and if you request yours be removed, then it will also be unmappable from the many registries as well. Below is a link for Google Maps, but other mapping services have a similar process: Instructions

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MN: Study finds state program for sex offenders effective

Sex offenders can stir up a lot of fear and anger in a community. But an innovative program from the Department of Corrections (DOC) is preventing new crimes by matching a sex offender about to be released from prison with a group of four to seven volunteer mentors, according to a study that will be published in Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment. Full Article Also see here.

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