FL: Broward sheriff’s deputy arrested for child porn charges kills self

FORT LAUDERDALE — A Broward County Sheriff’s deputy who was arrested on more than two dozen child porn charges died Wednesday night after shooting himself, according to the sheriff’s office. Full Article

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The comments are horrible.

One day someone who knows what is out there will share with the world what they know. People can’t imagine viewing child pornography, they have heard vague descriptions or read cherry picked press releases. I can’t correct people’s misconceptions about such material because that would require more details than most could accept let alone be ready for. Child pornography is an umbrella legal term for many categories of content involving those under eighteen (at least in the United States). Not that I believe any of it is good or should be legal. Firstly I could not feel comfortable passing judgment one way or another. Secondly this media has been created globally leaving more unknowns than knows with differing factors of importance in play that contradict each other.

The comments posted at the website of the article reveal what is so wrong in our great country even more so than the news story itself. Truly sad – the ignorance, the complete lack of empathy and just plain hatefulness.

Yes, the comments make me sad that people always except myth over facts. If you hear the same myth enough times it becomes a fact.

Their is more Public Safety out there, that just hasn’t been caught.
But…look at the Oakland, Contra Costa deputy, Richmond, even a LT. That NOT bother
to check a used prostitute passed around and let alone share the poss.disease(s),
NO ONE with the most power out there, besides the DMV, to check the appropriate and LEGAL age of this individual
THEY ARE JUST AS GUILTY and we hope to see them here someday soon-on the State Website.

Enough Said

Its sad but the ones who judge will be judged, May God have mercy on there souls.

Good and may they rot in hell. Too bad they took the cowards way out and don’t have to endure the living hell that people like him have cursed so many with for life!