Living with 290: What’s Next?

I started dating a guy 17 months ago. He recently told me he had a Federal PC290 conviction. Long story but he was in possession of 3 short videos on his PC (compliments of an adult step-child). He did 28 months. We both live in Orange County but different cities. Since he sometimes spends the night at my home his P.O. said he was required to go to the city I live in and register my address as a second address. He was told it was just a “paperwork” formality.…

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Living with 290: AB109 – Rehabilitation or Family Destruction?

Husband AB109er! In full compliance for 9 months. Allowed to live at home with wife and kids after 3 months on the streets. They say he’s not an SO he’s an alcoholic. Clean and Sober 9 months out, never missed an appointment, graduating from treatment. Gainfully employed – even though I lost my job. Asleep upstairs 2 hours. Friends drives by to pick/up halloween costumes for her kids. She literally walks thru the house and the kids are standing in the door way while we are outside. Probation comes thru…

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Living with 290: A Wife’s Story Continues

This morning my loved one went to see his probation officer. He actually had some good news for him. After taking two polygraph tests and being evaluated by his sex offense counselor, the probation officer has decided to reinstate his computer and cell phone privileges. So he comes home, and fires them up after not using them for two years. I immediately go into a mass panic and ask him if he got the approved changes to his probation in writing. He said when he asked for written confirmation, the…

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Living with 290: A Wife’s Story

Two years ago, my world was rocked to its foundations. My husband had just retired from a very long interesting military career. He went into a terrible depression and refused to acknowledge that he needed help. He got himself into a situation which happened to be a sting. He was charged with the intent to meet a minor for lewd and lascivious acts. All because the so-called minor asked him two questions that pertained to a sexual nature. He only answered them. The questions were general like: Do you consider…

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Living with 290: Stinkin sick

Not a lot of time right now, but this is worth mentioning, not for encouragement. I’m sorry to say, rather for the raw gut reality. My old man had a case of food poisoning and boy did he get sick. We basically live in a van, I got a motel room for the night, as i some times do. I am not on parole or probation, anyways my honey got lumpuckaroo, or Diarrhea / vomiting. for three days and 4 nights. He asked his agent if he could go to…

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