NY: Anthony Weiner complained about sex offenders in district before scandal

[nypost.com – 5/27/19] Here’s another thing that gets a rise out of Anthony Weiner: other perverts. Long before the former Queens congressman earned himself a rap sheet for trading X-rated messages with a 15-year-old girl, he was getting hot and bothered about sex offenders living in the congressional district he represented. Weiner’s office repeatedly called the NYPD’s Sex Offender Monitoring Unit to gripe about pervs too close to his digs and other places, a source told The Post. Weiner even once called the unit himself to grumble, according to the…

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NY: Animal-abuser registry plan advances in Oneida County

[romesentinel.com – 5/3/19] A plan to start a registry of convicted animal abusers in Oneida County advanced through a legislative committee this week but not without questions. The Board of Legislators’ Health and Human Services Committee passed the proposal on to the full board Wednesday. The measure would establish an website similar to that of sex offenders, with offender’s names, residence, birth dates, photo and a description of the offense and the sentence. Animal shelters and pet sellers would be able to check it to help reduce the chances of…

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NY: Child porn convict living across from school, locked up in Ohio

[whec.com – 5/1/19] News10NBC is tracking the case of ________. We are trying to learn why a man who is a registered sex offender after a child porn conviction, was allowed to live across the street from an elementary school. ________ was in federal court in downtown Rochester Wednesday morning. It was a brief hearing to discuss his most recent arrest. We learned ________ is housed in a federal prison in Ohio where inmates with health issues are kept. ________’s attorney had no comment. The U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to…

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NY: Petitioners seek to remove judge who gave bus driver probation for rape of 14-year-old

[wmbfnews.com – 5/1/19] A New York judge is facing outrage for ruling a former school bus driver did not have to go to jail after pleading guilty to raping a 14-year-old girl. More than 45,000 people signed an online petition by Wednesday morning, calling for Judge James P. McClusky to be removed. He sentenced _______ to 10 years of probation, and _______ will have to register as a Level 1 sex offender. New York state law does not place Level 1 offenders on any online sex offender databases. Prosecutors and…

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NY: Gov. Cuomo Supports Banning Sex Offenders From Subway

You see all kinds of things on the subways, but if one New York City lawmaker has his way, repeat sex offenders won’t be among them. City Councilman Chaim Deutsch’s proposed ban is designed to prevent certain sex offenders from taking public transportation, CBS2’s Jessica Moore reported Wednesday. Full Article UPDATE 4/2: NEW YORK LAWMAKERS WANT TO BAN SEX OFFENDERS FROM THE SUBWAY. THAT WON’T SOLVE ANYTHING. (Commentary)

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NY: Statement on Landmark Appellate Decision Limiting the Reach of SORA Residency Restrictions

[legalaidnyc.org – 2/21/19] The Legal Aid Society applauded a ruling rendered today by the New York State Appellate Division – Third Department, rejecting the New York State Department of Correction and Community Supervision’s (DOCCS) interpretation of the statutory residency restrictions faced by individuals with prior sex offense convictions. Specifically, the court held that people whose sex offense sentences had already expired were not subject to the law’s harsh mandatory residency restrictions when they were released to parole following a subsequent non-sex offense conviction. The ruling represents the first such limitation…

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NY: Senator Murphy questions State on placing sex offenders in homes for the developmentally disabled

[nysenate.gov – 10/11/18] Albany, NY – Being a sex offender carries with it the often well-earned reputation of being unable to mix with society. Even hardened criminals have expressed their disgust with the lewd and deviant acts perpetrated by sex offenders. A recent study has found dozens of sex offenders in New York State living in group homes for people with developmental disabilities. Their crimes can run the gamut from watching child pornography to public exposure to sexual assault. In his capacity as Chairman of the New York State Senate…

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NY: People are using a new app to report sex assault anonymously

[nypost.com – 9/21/18] In the wake of #MeToo, more than 1,000 people have downloaded an app aimed at rooting out repeat sex offenders by allowing victims and witnesses to report the crimes anonymously and join forces against the sickos. Called JDoe, the free app launched on the Apple and Android app store in April. It works by prompting users to report when and where an incident took place, along with the name of the perpetrator and any details of the crime. The information is then stored in an encrypted database.…

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NY: Banished from New York City [audio]: The Legality, Policy Considerations, and Practical Implications of the Housing Restrictions Faced by People on the Sex Offender Registry

[nycbar.org – 9/11/18] In New York City, there are hundreds of men and women on the sex offender registry who are subject to the Sexual Assault Reform Act (SARA) residency restriction, which prevents them from living within 1,000 feet of a school. This little-known restriction has created enormous constitutional problems. Because our densely-populated city contains virtually no residences that comply with this restriction, prisons are holding these people past the length of their prison sentences if there is no SARA-compliant housing available – a time period that usually extends longer…

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NY: Sex offender gets jail for not reporting social media password

A Level 1 sex offender from the Tuscarora Indian Reservation was sentenced Thursday to a year in the Niagara County Jail for not telling authorities one of his social media passwords. ____ ____, 48, of Susie’s Lane, must register because of a misdemeanor sex conviction in 2004, defense attorney David J. Mansour said. In April, ____ pleaded guilty to a felony count of failure to register. He reported two social media accounts last year, but only one password. Mansour said ____ thought the accounts were linked. Full Article

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NY: Educators, officials seek more housing limits on sex offenders

With classes across Long Island set to resume in the coming weeks, some Suffolk education leaders and elected officials are raising concerns that nearly two dozen of the highest-risk sex offenders are living close to schools. The officials are pushing for passage of legislation that would empower county officials to regulate where sex offenders live. Full Article

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NY: Couple raises concerns about 5 sex offenders living in nearby home

[news12.com – 8/4/18] SHIRLEY – A Shirley couple says five sex offenders are living together in their community nearly 80 feet from their home. Jennifer and Thomas Gritz, who have lived in their home for the past 14 years, say they no longer allow their 10-year-old son to play outside. “I want my son to go outside and be a kid – play in the backyard, ride his bike up and down the street. He doesn’t even do that unless one of us is with him,” says Jennifer Gritz. Laura…

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NY: Critics say pardons will give sex offenders access to schools

[timesunion.com – 7/24/18] ALBANY — Schools are generally off-limits for sex offenders, but not when it comes times to vote. A carveout in the state’s criminal trespass laws allows sex offenders to enter a school for the specific purpose of voting, including school district votes and other government elections, where the school is the polling site. The issue has jumped into the public’s consciousness as the result of outcry by some Republicans about conditional pardons recently issued by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo that could speed up the restoration of voting…

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NY: Ortt criticizes Cuomo’s parolee voting plan – does not bar sex offenders from entering schools to vote

[niagara-gazette.com – 6/20/18] The restoration of voting rights for more than 24,000 paroled felons has triggered concerns that dangerous sex offenders will be entering schools to cast their ballots on election day. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat seeking a third term this year, issued an executive order in April that made parolees eligible for conditional pardons for the intention of allowing them to participate in elections. By using his executive powers, the governor was able to bypass the Legislature. State Sen. Rob Ortt, R-North Tonawanda, argued Wednesday that Cuomo’s move…

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